The Catalysts May to September Walks programme is here hot off the press!

Hope to see you out there !

The Catalysts Autumn Programme Part Two for 2023 is now available.

It includes events happening from after the mid-term break, leading up to Christmas.

We are looking forward to many more interesting Thursday morning talks. Art Classes, Flower Classes with Betty Price and of course the Monday Walking Group, for which there is a separate programme.

The Catalysts Team are presently finalising some of The Catalysts Autumn 2023 Programme, but the activities from September to half term are now here –

We’re lookiing forward to meeting you at our Annual Hospice Coffee morning and Registration Day on Thursday 14th September from 10.30am.

The new Monday Walks Programme is now available.

Looking forward to many more happy Mondays!

The final brochure before the summer holidays folks!

Hot off the press, the May to September 2023 Walks programme!